2015, Vol. 1. №1(1)About the authors:
Anastasia O. Vylegzhanina,Abstract:
The article presents the results of the analysis of the information-communication technologies (ICT) market in Tyumen region. In the global economy, this is one of the most profitable and attractive markets for investors. However, Russian business community today has arrived neither to the level of a global player in the IT market, nor a getter of competitive advantages from the developed digital market. The authors provide a brief review of the global tendencies and main directions of the development of the ICT market as well as of the specific features of the regional ICT market. The current and projected state programs and measures of supporting the ICT market are described. It is shown that state policies, aimed at developing a self-sufficient domestic market and national ICT products and services, create a window of opportunities for the regional ICT market. Yet, the realization of these opportunities chiefly depends on how regional companies will adopt global tendencies of the IT sector in view of the regional features of the IT market. In conclusion, based on the theoretical, statistical, and empirical analysis and with regard to global practices, the main growth areas of the regional IT market are outlined.Keywords:
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