Legislative and international regulation of right to appeal to the publiс authorities

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2015, Vol. 1. №1(1)

Legislative and international regulation of right to appeal to the publiс authorities

About the authors:

Marina O. Lits, Cand. Sci. (Jur.), Associate Professor, Department of Theory of State and Law and International Law, University of Tyumen; m.o.lic@utmn.ru

Maria A. Sokolkova,
Student, Institute of State and Law, Tyumen State University


Recently there has been active search for the most effective legal remedies for citizens, since restitution of violated rights implies mobility in obtaining the result for the person whose rights have been violated. One of such effective legal remedies is the right of the citizens to appeal to public authorities. The possibility of citizens to appeal to the state bodies and local self-governing authorities helps to improve the order of service of officials, as well as to verify the effectiveness of the adopted laws. That is why guaranteeing of the above-mentioned right and securing it both at the international and national levels is very important. The scientific novelty of the article is confirmed by a comprehensive study of the rights of citizens to appeal to public authorities according to international and domestic law. Having analyzed the international standards and norms of Russian and foreign law, as well as some examples from judicial practice (primarily some precedents of the European Court of Human Rights), some of the problems in the understanding of the right to appeal to the public authorities are denoted and the specific ways to solve them are given.


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