The interaction between educational institutions and law enforсement authorities in extremism prevention

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


2015, Vol. 1. №1(1)

The interaction between educational institutions and law enforсement authorities in extremism prevention

About the author:

Eugeniy O. Vinnichenko,
Post-graduate student, Institute of law, Economics and Management, Tyumen State University


This article describes the urgency of extremism prevention and the ways of extremism manifestations in the territory of the Russian Federation. The necessity to improve preventive anti-extremist measures, including the identification and subsequent elimination of its causes and conditions are substantiated. The spread of extremist ideas in such a multinational country as Russia can lead to irreversible consequences. That is why consistent and thorough preventive measures are necessary. It is crucial to eradicate the preconditions and causes of extremism, as well as to identify its causes that can trigger national, social or religious conflicts. In addition, the article presents the data from a sociological survey conducted by first-year students of the Institute of State and Law of Tyumen State University and second-year students of Financial and Economic Institute, Tyumen State University. As a result of the study, proposals are made to improve the effectiveness of preventive measures in the fight against extremism by strengthening the cooperation between educational institutions and law enforcement.


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