2015, Vol. 1. №1(1)About the authors:
Maria M. Akulich, Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Professor, Department of General and Economic Sociology, University of Tyumen;; ORCID: 0000-0001-7112-3639Abstract:
1. Lomonosovedenie: uchebnoe posobie dlia studentov VPO, SPO i uchashchikhsia shkol [Lomonosovedenie: a Manual for Students of Universities, Colledges and Schools] / Ed. by T.S. Butorina. Moscow, Berlin, 2015. 151 p. (in Russian).
2. Bol'shoi entsiklopedicheskii slovar' [Great encyclopedic dictionary: in 2 volumes Vol. 2] / Ed. By A.M. Prohorov. Moscow, 1991. 768 p. (in Russian).
3. Novyi entsiklopedicheskii slovar [New encyclopedic dictionary]. Moscow, 2007.1456 p. (in Russian).
4. Ruzha, V.A. Stanovlenie i razvitie kul'tury patriotizma sovremennogo studenchestva (Avtoref. diss. kand.) [The Formation and Development of the Culture of Patriotism among Modern Students (Extended Abstract of Cand. Sci. Diss.)]. Ekaterinburg, 2013, 24 p. (in Russian).
5. Kontseptsiia patrioticheskogo vospitaniia grazhdan Rossiiskoi Federatsii [The Concept of Patriotic Education of Citizens in the Russian Federation]. URL: content&view=article&id=481:2012-11-25-16-27-44&catid=50:2008-12-22-12-36-36
6. Alipkhanova, F.N., Magomedova, P.K. Forms and directions of educational work of pedagogical universities in the educating patriotism to the students. Mir nauki, kul'tury, obrazovaniia — The world of Science, Culture, Education. 2013. № 1. Pp. 34-36.(in Russian).
7. Goncharenko, O.N. The level of patriotism among the students of an agricultural university. Agroprodovol'stvennaia politika Rossii — Russian agri-food policy. 2014.№ 3 (15). P. 74-77. (in Russian).
8. Kornienko, N.A. Values of citizenship and patriotism as the basis of spiritual and moral development and education of the person. Bulletin of the Novosibirsk State University. Series: psychology. 2011. № 2. Vol. 5. P. 81-93. (in Russian).
9. Patriotizm i grazhdanstvo [Patriotism and Citizenship]. URL:
10. Skol'ko v Rossii patriotov [How many patriots there are in Russia]. URL:
11. Solzhenitsyn, A.I. Patriotizm [The Patriotism]. URL: