Iodine deficiency prevention. Sociological research as a component of medical and biological monitoring

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. Sociology (#8 ). 2014

Iodine deficiency prevention. Sociological research as a component of medical and biological monitoring

About the authors:

Galina V. Sharukho, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Chief Sanitary Doctor, Department of Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare (Tyumen region) 
Larisa S. Kovalzhina,
Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University

Ludmila A. Suplotova,
Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor, Course Manager in Endocrinology, Tyumen State Medical Academy

Olga B. Makarova,
Cand. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor in the Course of Endocrinology, Tyumen State Medical Academy


The article discusses the current challenges related to the prevention of iodine deficiency in Russia. Iodine deficiency takes a special place among other microelementhoses. Iodine deficiency leads to the iodine deficiency disorders that have an impact on the population's health and intellectual potential, physical development of children, reproductive and somatic health. To study these problems and to increase the efficiency of regional prevention programs, sociological studies were used in complex medical and biological monitoring. The aim of this monitoring is to obtain information on the social conditions of preventive behavior in the context of living conditions parameters, and to detect behavioral models of different population groups in the field of iodine deficiency prevention. The autors present their brief summary of sociological study of awareness about the situation with iodine deficiency among schoolchildren and their parents in the Tyumen Region and different methods of iodine deficiency prevention. During the research we detected low awareness about methods and ways of iodine deficiency prevention. Just a half of parents takes the responsibility of iodine deficiency prevention. Respondents noted low ability of their relatives and neighbors to take care of iodine deficiency prevention in the family. For higher efficiency of regional programs in iodine deficiency prevention, educational component should be increased by using new methods of preventive behavior stimulation among school children and their relatives.


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