Social self-awareness of a teenager: self-evaluation of life prospects (a cross-cultural study)

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. Sociology (#8 ). 2014

Social self-awareness of a teenager: self-evaluation of life prospects (a cross-cultural study)

About the authors:

Vladimir S. Sobkin, Dr. Sci. (Psych.), Professor, RAE Academician, Head of Informational and Analytical Center of RAE (Moscow);

Мaria м. Smyslova,
Researcher, Institute for Sociology of Education, Russian Academy of Education (Moscow)


The article presents and discusses results of the large-scale inquiry that involved 4929 high school students from Moscow, Riga and Kishinev. The inquiry helped to investigate emotional self-evaluation of a teenager's life prospects, to reveal and describe the impacts of different social stratification and sociocultural factors (a family's financial situation, social status among classmates, experience of being a victim of school bullying, national self-identity). Special attention was paid to the consideration of the significance of sociocultural context of education (schools for national majorities/minorities) in the formation of positive/negative self-evaluation of life prospects by the students of high school.


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