Return of compatriots living abroad to the Russian federation and its importance in migration processes

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. Sociology (#8 ). 2014

Return of compatriots living abroad to the Russian federation and its importance in migration processes

About the author:

Alexander V. Ovdin,
Cand. Sci. (Hist.), Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Sociology of Public Administration, Dnepropetrovsk Regional Institute of Public Administration, National Academy of Public Administration under the Office of the President of Ukraine


The problems addressed herein are related to the repatriation of ethnic Russians residing abroad, mainly in the CIS countries, to the Russian Federation. Particular attention is paid to the implementation of the state program on facilitation of the voluntary resettlement of compatriots. The most important aspects of repatriation are: humanitarian (helping people who are spiritually and historically connected with Russia), social and economic (employment of compatriots' experience and expertise for the benefit of the Russian society and economy), and demographic (overcoming depopulation). Analysis of the state program implementation shows that its pace does not correspond to the planned rates. The most successful implementation of the program is in the countries of Central Asia, while the participation of people living in Ukraine (including the multimillion Russian population in this country) is almost tokenistic. The number of the program participants is relatively small in the total number of people moving to Russia for permanent residence, and in terms of migration, the importance of repatriation remains insignificant. It can be concluded that the proposed conditions of relocation lack attractiveness, and the repatriation policy needs modernization.


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