E-democracy as an innovative tool for the development of civil society in Russia

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. Sociology (#8 ). 2014

E-democracy as an innovative tool for the development of civil society in Russia

About the author:

Amanzhol Т. Elimbaev,
Post-graduate Student, Department of General and Economic Sociology, Financial and Economic Institute, Tyumen State University


The rapid development of information and communication technologies leads to a change of government institutions, reduction in the state's role as a political "(music) conductor", the emergence of new contenders for power on the part of social and political movements, business. The paper examines the category of e-democracy, which is understood as openness, transparency, transparency of the government, increasing the efficiency of the political administration and the active involvement of citizens in the preparation and decision-making in the social sphere by means of information and communication technologies. E-democracy emerges as a real and promising form of interactive society and the state in the social and political processes of the modern world. The world experience in the use of technology in e-democracy is analyzed, leading country's with highest indexes of information-communication technologies in the socio-political processes are highlighted. It is concluded that the prospects for the formation of an information society in the Russian Federation lie in such an innovative tool like e-democracy.


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