Evolution of public opinion concerning development of social networks in Russia (content-analysis of news messages of the broadcasting company «Vesti»)

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. Sociology (#8 ). 2014

Evolution of public opinion concerning development of social networks in Russia (content-analysis of news messages of the broadcasting company «Vesti»)

About the authors:

Nadezhda V. Dulina, Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Technologies, Volgograd State University; nv-dulina@yandex.ru

Evgeny G. Efimov,
Cand. Sci. (Hist.), Associate Professor, Department of History, Culture and Sociology, Volgograd State Technical University


The purpose of the present article is the analysis of the role of public opinion in development of social networks. In the article the structure of public opinion concerning the networks, representing a set of opinions of various social groups (users, opponents, the state and manufacturers) is analyzed. Their roles are compared. The state uses television for formation of a positive image of the political course. Most of attention, from the legal point of view, is given to messages on the use of networks in protest actions. An insignificant influence of opponents of networks and growth of attention to network manufacturers is caused by their wide implementation in the everyday life. On the basis of research of news messages of the Broadcasting Company «Vesti» it is stated that the basic trend of public opinion is strengthening of attention to the problem of safety of children, being users of networks. It shows in the focus on the legal aspect (a crime against minors), ethical (suicides, addiction, demonstration of scenes of human violence) and pedagogical (frauds during the Unified State Examination). The focus on the youth network «VKontakte» and insignificant attention to «Odnoklassniki» also supports the argument about the youth being the most important social group in the network space.


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