The concept of “service” state in the context of post-industrialparadigm of social management

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. Sociology (#8 ). 2013

The concept of “service” state in the context of post-industrialparadigm of social management

About the author:

Svetlana E. Martynova,
Cand. Philol. Sci., Associate Professor, Department of State and Municipal Administration, Tomsk State University


Providing that the main actor in the post-industrial sociality is a sovereign, active, intelligent individual, the parameters of post-industrial social management have been identified and characterized in the current article. These parameters comprise the subject, the object, the objectives of management, decision-making principles, values, character management processes, principles of resource management, organizational structure and technology. On the basis of these parameters the content analysis of the concept of “service” state has been made. It has been found out that the concept of “service” state reflects the characteristics of the post-industrial paradigm of social management. In particular, the basic principle of decision-making – participation – is manifested in the “service” model in the fact that citizens as subjects of management affect the determination of the range and content of public services, society regulates the provision and quality of services by assessing their satisfaction. In their turn, authorities transmit the responsibility of providing services and resources to non-governmental organizations and to improve the quality of services the “knowing” capacity and resources of the participants of open networks is mobilized.


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