Vesntik TSU. Sociology (#8 ). 2013About the author:
Oksana A. Kuvshinova,Abstract:
The problems of social policy for the elderly in Russia are becoming more and more relevant with each passing year. This is due, on the one hand, to the ongoing process of demographic aging of society and, as a consequence — an increase in the number of people over the age of 55, yet on the other hand — a number of socio-economic problems that have emerged in connection with the above mentioned demographic development. The phenomenon of the situation lies in the fact that the elderly, namely people from the age of 55 to 72, at the present stage are the most numerous social cohort compared with the youth, children and people of middle age. Consequently, the vector of solving their socio-economic problems depends on the stability of modern society. The most problematic area of social development, in our view, is the problem of people who retire, or rather, their material well-being and the conservation or increasing of the retirement age.References:
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