Regional poverty: the experienceof yamal-nenets autonomous okrugin the fight against poverty

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. Sociology (#8 ). 2013

Regional poverty: the experienceof yamal-nenets autonomous okrugin the fight against poverty

About the authors:

Natalia I. Skok,
Dr. Sociol. Sci., Professor, Head of the Department of Sociology, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University

Svetlana D. Rodionova,
Post-graduate student, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University


The authors of the article point out that main social assistance, including financial, to low-income families of Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District, is still provided by the regional and municipal budgets. This is due to the fact that in the autonomous region holds monopoly power in the provision of social services to socially vulnerable categories of citizens. The authors consider migrants who came from other states to be a particular social group in the region in need of help to overcome poverty. They conclude that in the present conditions the development of new approaches and methods in the study of the causes and consequences of poverty in the region and on the level of the municipality are required. The authors justify the necessity of improving the mechanism of formation and use of budget funds on the basis of interaction of government, business and non-profit organizations to improve the living standards of the population.


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