Vesntik TSU. Sociology (#8 ). 2013About the authors:
Vladimir A. Davydenko, Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Professor, Head of the Research Center, University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia; <a href=""></a>, <a href=""></a><br>Abstract:
The theoretical problem of research and study of economic mechanisms of formation and reproduction of the social structure of the region and their foundations is to conceptualize the category of social reproduction of the region, taking into account the spatial and other relevant factors, essentially revealing the activity of the region’s population, and demonstrating how the preservation, restoration, modernization and creation of the conditions for its existence and development go on. The dynamics of social reproduction of the region embodies the trend of changes in the social structure, as inherent in the socio- economic organization of society as a whole, and its territorial projection at the level of a specific territory. The article presents the evolution of the concept in the Soviet era and contemporary Russian and world science [Leo Hurwicz, Roger Myerson, Eric Maskin]. The correlation of the categories of a social mechanism, an economic mechanism, the behavior of social actors, social regional community is represented in the article. Operationalization model of the economic mechanism in relation to regional economic sociology as a science of the relationship between economic and non-economic spheres of social life, taken in a “regional projection” is formed on the basis of the ideas of Neil Smelser. The results of the monitoring survey conducted in the regions of Russia, such as Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansi region and Yamal-Nenets autonomous region during the period from 2006 to 2013 (Wave/Level 4) are highlighted in the article. The results are included in the all-Russian context. Sociological data demonstrate the failure of the economic mechanisms of formation and reproduction of the social structure of the region. The authors demonstrate the influence of the dynamics and the time lag in reflecting the effects of the global economic crisis on the level of self-esteem of the residents of a Russian region.Keywords:
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