Vesntik TSU. Sociology (#8 ). 2013About the author:
Valentin G. Nemirovskiy, Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Professor, Leading Research Associate, Department of General and Economic Sociology, Tyumen State University; valnemirov@mail.ruAbstract:
The article continues a series of publications in the framework of research on the social and cultural situation in the regions of Eastern Siberia under the program «Socio-cultural evolution of Russia and its regions» with the support of Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund. In this case, the direct association experiment, carried out as a semi-formalized interview with the population of Krasnoyarsk Territory in 2013, is employed as the primary method to identify socio-cultural aspects of the attitude of the population of a large Siberian region to modernization. The characteristics of the image of modernization in the mass consciousness were studied with the application of various simulated issues. It was found out that the semantic field of the concept of «modernization» is characterized by deep-rootedness in mass consciousness. The study showed that the majority of respondents are convinced of the usefulness and profitability of modernization for themselves and for the country as a whole, perceive it as the process of positive socio-cultural changes. However, a number of respondents do not clearly understand its meaning, often having different concerns towards this concept. The author comes to the conclusion that the majority of respondents are positively related to modernization, while at the same time there are certain fears, prejudice, and misunderstanding of the purpose of this process in the mass consciousness of the people of the region.References:
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