Information activity of the subjectsof innovation and analysis of stimulating measures for innovative developmentof the region (the example of Tyumenregion)

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. Sociology (#8 ). 2013

Information activity of the subjectsof innovation and analysis of stimulating measures for innovative developmentof the region (the example of Tyumenregion)

About the authors:

Galina Z. Efimova, Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Associate Professor, Department of General and Economic Sociology, Financial and Economic Institute, Tyumen State University;

A.V. Gubin ,
Researcher, Tyumen State University


The main indicators for the assessment of innovative development of the region and measures to support innovation are considered in the present article. The survey data of the population of Tyumen region (1600 respondents) serves as empirical data of the analysis. We study the information activity and equipment of the workplace, the activity of the population in the course-work training and retraining programs; the interest to innovation development in the region. The article focuses on the conditions for the intensive innovative development of Tyumen region. The main results are the following. Every third respondent from among the residents of Tyumen region is interested in the issue of innovative development. The interest in innovative development is closely related to sex and age of the respondent. Women display a greater degree of interest in various aspects of innovation. The younger people are, the greater interest in innovation processes (both in terms of creation of innovations and their practical implementation) they show. The Internet and TV are the main sources where the respondents receive information on the status and development of innovations from.


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