Vesntik TSU. Sociology (#8 ). 2013About the authors:
Vladimir V. Melnik, Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Professor, Department of General and Economic Sociology, University of Tyumen; eLibrary AuthorID, ScopusID, v_v_melnik@mail.ruAbstract:
The problem of the study, revealed in this article is related to the need to rethink the methodological basis of studying the conditions of development of regional innovation systems and the change of the estimation vector of the regional innovation system — from a technological to a social one. It is also necessary to study the mechanisms of transition of Russian society to innovative development at the regional level. Theoretical and applied aspects of the project are aimed at ensuring the effective capabilities for the management subsystem of the analysis of conditions (economic, social, socio-cultural, managerial, organizational, technical and other) for innovation development in the region, the identification and analysis of the interaction of the factors of innovation development, in particular the level and nature of social innovation and population assessment. Since the studied issue is multifactorial, in this article we will look at some of the conceptual foundations of the study, and two regional societal processes: the nature of innovation diffusion and types of innovation activity, as well as the index assessment of measures potentially promoting intensive innovative development of the region. The empirical base of the research is a questionnaire survey of the population of active working age from 18 to 60. Sample territorial quota by gender and age is represented by the population of the three sub-regions: the south of Tyumen region, Khanty-Mansiysk — Yugra, and Yamal-Nenets autonomous region. The sample size is 1884 people. Sampling error is 2.5 % for one selection principle.Keywords:
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