Issues of civil procedure development

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. law (#3). 2014

Issues of civil procedure development

About the author:

Nadezda V. Sukhova, Cand. Sci. (Jur.), Associate Professor, Department of Civil Law and Process, University of Tyumen; SPIN: 7968-0050; Scopus AuthorID: 522547; WoS ResearcherID: I- AAH-1441-2020;


The author analyzes a number of modern challenges existing in the Russian civil (arbitration) procedure and Procedural Law, mostly bearing international character. It is connected with the fact that the development of law at present is characterized by the approximation of the civil procedural legislation, being the subject of reception in many states. At the same time, whereas legislation is being approximated, the practical application is out of this trend. The irony of the situation is that currently various procedural systems are differentiated not in the sphere of legislation or doctrine, but mostly in the sphere of practice and legal culture, and, moreover, of what one knows as the spirit of law. In the current situation the special significance in the procedural law is given to the exchange of the effective legal experience. This means that referring to certain legislation, legal sources and practice, one should analyze the activity of legislation bodies, prominent scholars, lawyers and judges. The gaps and changes in the legislation, touched upon in the present article, can not be properly comprehended without the efforts of the whole legal community, moreover, the essence of the reforms needed in the Russian civil procedure system can not be defined in an appropriate way.


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