Vesntik TSU. law (#3). 2014About the author:
Sergey V. Romanchuk,Abstract:
The author systematizes the main directions of legal regulation of the public relations arising in the course of implementation of innovative activity. Result of the carried-out systematization is the conclusion that the set of existing normative legal acts not completely regulates legal relationship in the innovative and scientific and technical sphere. The author opens the problem aspects arising in structure of government bodies of the power, contents of normative legal acts, the conceptual and categorial device, strategy of development of science and innovations, differentiation of areas of jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation. The author carries out the comparative analysis of existing problems in the specified sphere taking into account multidimensional approach to understanding of innovative activity, features of development of the economic and organizational relations, historical aspect of development of an order and ways of introduction of innovations. Finally the author comes to a conclusion that now there are no accurate criteria for differentiation of methods, ways, the purposes, tools for implementation of a state policy in scientific, scientific and technical and innovative spheres. Except formal and logical methods of scientific knowledge, the author uses a historical method and a method of comparative jurisprudence.References:
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