Implementation of some criminal procedure principles within the reconciliation of the parties institution

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. law (#3). 2014

Implementation of some criminal procedure principles within the reconciliation of the parties institution

About the author:

Alexandra A. Larionova,
Post-graduate student, Institute of Sate and Law, Tyumen State University


The authors consider the possibility to implement such principles of criminal proceedings as the administration of justice exclusively by a court and freedom of evidence assessment when a criminal case is terminated for the reason of parties reconciliation. The principle of justice exclusively by the court takes place not only at the trial stage, although it has no direct effect. The application of the principle promotes a settlement of many disputes in trial stages of the criminal procedure. For example, one can answer the question whether a convicted person released from criminal liability for the reason of reconciliation of the parties may be found guilty. At first glance, the principle of free evidence evaluation is also not applicable within the institute of reconciliation, because in this case the process of proving is implemented improperly. The author substantiates the necessity to prosecute the person who committed the crime, on the basis of the collection, validation and evaluation of evidence. Thus, the principle of freedom of evidence evaluation is also implemented within the institute of reconciliation. The general character of the principles does not mean that they should be the same at all stages and forms of criminal proceedings. The development of any institution in the criminal process (including the institution of reconciliation) is closely connected with the development and improvement of the principles of criminal proceedings: no institution will be able to evolve and improve without an appropriate legislative empirical basis.


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