Vesntik TSU. law (#3). 2014About the authors:
Alexandra A. Larionova,Abstract:
The article is devoted to the amendments in the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation on 29 November 2012. The authors consider the possibility to refer fraud cases to the private-public prosecution sphere. The categories of the private and the private-public prosecution is the evidence that a criminal procedure possesses a private character. In criminal cases of such category the private interest of the victim has the most crucial significance. Cases bearing the least danger for the society, when it is impossible to comprehend the character and gravity of the harm without a victim's personality appraisal should be ascribed to criminal cases of private-public prosecution. Actions with the formal components of such crimes must be primarily intended against the personality of the victim and be injurious to him. Criminal prosecution in such cases must be the utmost reaction for such actions, i.e. it must be applied only if there are no alternative ways to resolve the dispute between an offender and a victim. As for the crimes against property and frauds in the sphere of entrepreneurship, they constitute a considerable social danger. Sometimes a victim is unable to appeal to the law enforcement agencies for help. Criminal cases of fraud must not be categorized as private-public prosecution cases since they are dangerous not only for private individuals but for the entire society.Keywords:
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