Presentation of some rules of court rulings

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. law (#3). 2014

Presentation of some rules of court rulings

About the authors:

Natalia N. Gerasimova, Associate Professor of the Department of Civil Law and Process, Institute of state and law of Tyumen state University, Federal Judge in Retirement;

Tatiana A. Panfilova,
Senior Lecturer Department of Administrative and Financial Law, Institute of State and Law, Tyumen state University


Procedural documents have always been the result of a focused, conscious documentation of the objective reality phenomena in the language of words aimed at a reliable transfer of this information in space and time. Provided a judge conducts the proceeding correctly at all stages, states the facts clearly and legally sound, both parties will be satisfied with the results. Moreover, knowledgeable and grammatically correct procedural documents, competently phrased pleas, clearly stated court decisions are also of great importance. Administration of justice in civil cases is mostly implemented in the form of judicial decisions on behalf of the Russian Federation. Being drafted and stated correctly, well- motivated and documented, the decision will contribute to supremacy of law, enhance the authority of the judiciary. A judgment without a convincing answer on the merits of a civil dispute, stated illiterately and carelessly, brings discredit on the judge, hearing the case and the judicial power at large.


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