On the issue of the basic principles of building a hierarchical system of the russian law norms

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. law (#3). 2014

On the issue of the basic principles of building a hierarchical system of the russian law norms

About the authors:

Evgeniy N. Byrdin,
Cand. Sci. (Law), Аssociate Professor, Department of the Theory of State and Law and International Law, Institute of State and Law, Tyumen State University

Maria A. Kuznetsova,
Post-graduate student, Department of State-Legal Disciplines, Tyumen State Academy of World Economy, Management and Law


The existing in the Russian Federation legislation is subject to constant amendments and supplements that cannot but lead to inconsistencies between certain provisions of the law. Elimination of such contradictions in the law is caused by a number of factors (criteria, principles), influencing the hierarchy of legal norms formation. The hierarchical system of legal norms is determined by different criteria including the hierarchy of state bodies, the time of a normative legal act adoption, the degree of the law provisions community and the importance of regulated public relations, codified nature of the act, and others. On the basis of a detailed analysis of these criteria, the authors come to the conclusion that only the cumulative effect, ultimately, determines the place of rule of law in the hierarchical system of the Russian legislation. Guided by only one criterion, it is impossible to construct such a hierarchy. In addition, the criteria and principles considered in the article constitute only a theoretical justification for the establishment of a hierarchical system of legal norms, they can not be treated as a normative framework for the recognition of the priority between the rules of different levels. To implement this model in practice, it is necessary to establish an adequate hierarchical dependence in the legal form.


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