Vesntik TSU. law (#3). 2014About the author:
Dmitry A. Avdeev, Cand. Sci. (Jur.), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Public Law Disciplines, University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia;,
The author analyzes the democratic framework of the Russian Federation as the state with the republican form of government, revealing the democratic foundations of the Russian state, their peculiarities and their influence to the development of the state itself. Summarizing the constitutional-legal experience he makes a number of conclusions concerning the practice of the Constitution application from the moment of it adoption until present days. The republican form of government, stipulated in the Russian Constitution aroused numerous scientific discussions on the matter of which type of republics the modern state structure in Russia, belongs to. The author believes that a form of government depends on the population sense of justice. The unique sense of justice and mentality of the Russian population influence the form of the government significantly. The legal culture of the modern Russian society indicates the political and social-economic reforms occurring in the Russian Federation at present. On the analysis conducted, the author attempts to reveal the distinctions of the domestic form of government. Thus, the article is devoted to the specific characteristics of the Russian republican form of government.Keywords:
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