Vesntik TSU. law (#3). 2013About the author:
Olina I. Filonova, Cand. Sci. (Jur.), Associate Professor, Department of State and Criminal Law, Kurgan State University; filonova2006@mail.ruAbstract:
The article is devoted to the legal consciousness of judge and its importance in the country’s modernization in the period of new economic policy. Judges were fixeappointed by Soviet bodies of power on the basis class and party adherence. Legal consciousness of judges was defined according to ideological awareness to promote the political course of modernization in the country. The judges’ legal consciousness, grounded in the experience of the revolutionary fight, moved the party and Soviet organs. In 1921-1929 revolutionary legal consciousness was the principle of the justice, and if there was a gap in law the judge had a right for a direct action. Doing justice, the judges were to comply with the legal consciousness of revolution, following the principle of revolutionary pragmatism and lawfulness. The state attracted attention of the judges to priority consideration of cases, taht have importance for modernization transformations; the processes were of demonstrative character.Keywords:
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