State law regulation of alcohol production and sale in russia: historical-legal aspect

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. law (#3). 2013

State law regulation of alcohol production and sale in russia: historical-legal aspect

About the author:

Julia I. Voronina,
Post-graduate student, Institute of Law, Economics and Management, Tyumen State University


The importance of the issue under consideration is beyond doubt today, because in modern Russia the public legal control of alcohol production and sale is inconsistent, irregular, fragmentary and inefficient. The author considers the historical aspect to explain the problem and presents some ideas on necessity of reforming the public legal control of alcohol production and sale in Russia. The article focuses on four stages of public legal control of alcohol production and sale in Russia. Each stage differs in form of the government control and regulatory content. One of the specific features of public legal control of alcohol production and sale in Russia is the lack of continuity of uniform social and political course in this area. Reforms of alcohol production and sale always depended on the interests of a narrow circle of people and did not take into account the interests of individuals, society and the state. When the political regime changed, the course of public legal control of alcohol production and sale changed also. Cyclical nature of reforms and instability in the industry and sales of alcohol resulting from it led to corruption and heavy drinking. The article underlines the necessity of comprehensive, successive, coherent and consistent state-legal control of alcohol production and sale in Russia.


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