On the question of services: legal-historical analysis

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. law (#3). 2013

On the question of services: legal-historical analysis

Author: Ksenia S. Boush

About the author:

Ksenia S. Boush,
Cand. Jur. Sci., Associate Professor, Legal Training of Law Enforcement Officers Department, Tyumen Advanced Training Institute of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation


The article is devoted to the study of the main stages of historical development and formation of the institute of services in the Russian legal system. Primarily the topicality of the analyzed sphere is caused by the need of a subject to get different types of services. It should be noted that such need existed at various stages of formation and development of the society. The service sector needs an independent legal protection. This is due to the specificity of the modern service development. Nowadays services are regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other normative legal acts, but still there is no clear definition of the service. It leads to the problems in the division of work and services as well as to difference in legal definitions in the sphere of interpretation. The topicality of the subject is also caused by the novelty of the legal framework, regulating the service sector and the new range of service. Historical milestones devoted to the concept of service from Roman law to nowadays are considered in the article. Trough the prism of history the first model of service provision is analyzed by the author. The constituent elements of a contract of services provision are considered. A special attention is paid to the object, form and responsibilities of the parties.


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