Vesntik TSU. law (#3). 2013About the author:
Nadezda V. Sukhova, Cand. Sci. (Jur.), Associate Professor, Department of Civil Law and Process, University of Tyumen; SPIN: 7968-0050; Scopus AuthorID: 522547; WoS ResearcherID: I- AAH-1441-2020; n.v.sukhova@utmn.ruAbstract:
1. Rossijskaja gazeta [Russian newspaper]. 2010. 30th of July (in Russian).
2. Kalashnikova, S.I. Mediacija v sfere grazhdanskoj jurisdikcii [Mediation in civil jurisdiction]. Moscow, 2011. 304 p.; Kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu «Ob al'ternativnoj procedure uregulirovanija sporov s uchastiem posrednika (procedure mediacii)» [Commentary to the Federal law «On alternative dispute resolution involving mediation (mediation procedure)»]. ed. by.
S.K. Zagajnova, V.V. Jarkov. Moscow, 2011. 272 p. (in Russian)
3. Besemer, H. Mediacija. Posrednichestvo v konfliktah [Mediation. Conflict mediation] Tr. from German by. N.V. Malova. Kaluga, 2004. 176 p. (in Russian)
4. European code of conduct for mediators (developed by a group of practicing mediators (mediators) with the support of the European Commission and adopted by the Conference in Brussels on the 02.06.2004). Tretejskij sud — arbitration court. 2005. No. 5. P. 160-162 (in Russian).
5. Directive of European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2008 2008/52/ES concerning certain aspects of mediation in civil and commercial matters. Tretejskij sud — arbitration court. 2008. No. 5. P. 139-148 (in Russian).
6. Neal, E. Nacional'nyj doklad Anglii i Ujel'sa: Sbornik dokladov: Grazhdanskij process v mezhkul'turnom dialoge: evrazijskij kontekst: Vsemirnaja konferencija Mezhdunarodnoj associacii processual'nogo prava [National report of England and Wales: Proceedings: Civil process in intercultural dialogue: Eurasian context: the World Conference of the International Association of Procedural Law, Moscow, 18-21 of September 2012]. Ed. by D.Ja. Maleshina; International Association of Procedural Law. Moscow: Statut, 2012. P. 77-79 (in Russian).
7. Allahverdova, O.V., Karpenko A.D. Mediacija — peregovory s uchastiem posrednika [Mediation — negotiations with the mediator]. Saint-Petersburg: Roza mira, 2007. 144 p. (in Russian)
8. Kommentarij k Federal'nomu zakonu «Ob al'ternativnoj procedure uregulirovanija sporov s uchastiem posrednika (procedure mediacii)» [Commentary to the Federal law «On alternative dispute resolution involving mediation (mediation procedure)»]. Ed. by S.K. Zagajnova,
V.V. Jarkov. Moscow, 2011. P. 81-93. (The author of the commentary to art. 5 is S.I. Kalashnikova) (in Russian).
9. Menkel'-Midou, K. Amerikanskij nacional'nyj doklad. Neformal'noe, formal'noe i «poluformal'noe» pravosudie v SShA: Sbornik dokladov: Grazhdanskij process v mezhkul'turnom dialoge: evrazijskij kontekst: Vsemirnaja konferencija Mezhdunarodnoj associacii processual'nogo prava [U.S. national report. Informal, formal and «semi-formal» justice in the United States: Proceedings: Civil process in intercultural dialogue: Eurasian context: the World Conference of the International Association of Procedural Law (Moskva, 18-21 of September 2012)]. Ed. by. D.Ja. Maleshina. International Association of Procedural Law. P. 114-139 (in Russian).
10. Shliffen, K.-G., fon. Mediation in the system of non-judicial forms of dispute resolution Mediacija v notarial'noj praktike (Al'ternativnye sposoby razreshenija konfliktov) — Mediation in the notarial practice (Alternative Dispute Resolution). P. Far [i dr.]; ed. by K.-G. von Shliffen and B. Vegmann [tr. from German by. S.S. Trushnikova]. Moscow: Volters Kluver, 2005. P. 3-20 (in Russian).
11. Grazhdanskij process v mezhkul'turnom dialoge: evrazijskij kontekst: Vsemirnaja konferencija Mezhdunarodnoj associacii processual'nogo prava [Civil process in intercultural dialogue: Eurasian context: The World Conference of the International Association of Procedural Law (Moscow, 18-21 of September 2012)]. Sb. dokladov / Ed. by. D.Ja. Maleshina. International Association of Procedural Law. Moscow: Statut, 2012. 720 p. (in Russian)
12. Far, P. Mediation clause in the general conditions of transactions. Mediacija v notarial'noj praktike (Al'ternativnye sposoby razreshenija konfliktov) — Mediation in the notarial practice (Alternative Dispute Resolution). P. Far [and others.]; ed. by K.G. von Shliffen and B. Vegmann [tr. from German by S.S. Trushnikova]. Moscow: Volters Kluver. 2005. P. 239-271 (in Russian).
13. Allahverdova, O.V. school of mediation. Hrestomatija al'ternativnogo razreshenija sporov — Readings on Alternative Dispute Resolution. The training materials and practical advice / Comp. Sevast'janov. Saint-Petersburg, 2009. P. 395-441; Docenko, E.L. Games with responsibility: to detect and stop. Kljuchevye kompetencii v mediacii — Key competences in mediation. Comp. / Ed.. E.L. Docenko, L.V. Zajceva, N.V. Suhova. (On the materials international. Scientific-Practical. Conf. «Modernization of Economy, Law and Governance in Russia: problems of theory and practice» and the Round Table on International Civil Procedure with foreign experts-judges from the UK, USA, Germany. Tyumen State University (a manuscript)). Tyumen: Tjumenskij gosudarstvennyj universitet Publ. (The materials has not been published) (in Russian).
14. Avimskaja, O.V. Principles of mediation. Tretejskij sud — arbitration court. 2009. No. 5.
P. 47-155 (in Russian).
15. Vjazovchenko (Aboznova), O.V. The effectiveness of the procedural mechanism of the constitutional right to protection: some aspects of the problem. Rossijskij ezhegodnik grazhdanskogo i arbitrazhnogo processa — Russian annual issue on civil and arbitration process. 2001. No. 1. Moscow.: Norma, 2002. P. 69-82 (in Russian).