Separate issues of territorial organization of the public authority

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. law (#3). 2013

Separate issues of territorial organization of the public authority

About the author:

Ivan S. Romantchuk,
Cand. Jur. Sci., Associate Professor, Theory of State and Law and International Law Department, Institute of Law, Economics and Management, Tyumen State University


The object of research is the federal relations between modern states and the role of local self-government in this process. The objectives of research are consideration of questions of the perfect territorial division of the state; comparative analysis of federal and unitary forms of the organization of power; observation of shortcomings of the decentralized form of building a state; consideration of the essence of sovereignty in the territorial division of authority powers. Considering the essence of a federal and unitary state system, and also the role of autonomies and local self-government in distribution and use of authority powers the author comes to a conclusion that the federal state can and has to exist only when there is understanding of the government authority as only and indivisible neither according to territorial, nor to the national principles. The power of the subject of federation is not the same as the state power as does not possess a necessary feature – the sovereignty (supremacy). The local self-government is helpful institute in the structure of the federal state constructed according to the principle of the strong centralized power. Presently in the Russian Federation the local self-government is absent in its essence.


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