Regulating agricultural land circulation: on the experience in the Russian Federaion and law initiatives in Ukraine

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. law (#3). 2013

Regulating agricultural land circulation: on the experience in the Russian Federaion and law initiatives in Ukraine

About the author:

Anatoliy N. Miroshnychenko ,
Dr. Jur. Sci., Professor, Head of Land and Agricultural Law Department, Kiev National University


The article contains an analysis of the latest draft laws aimed at regulation of the agricultural land market of Ukraine in comparison with the Federal law of the Russian Federation of 24/07/2002 No. 101-ФЗ “On Agricultural Land Circulation”. The author supports the opinion that a prohibition for some persons or entities to own agricultural land, as well as establishing the maximum size of the agricultural land for one subject’s ownership is a mistake. The rules on preemption rights, that affect sale of agricultural land, set in the Federal Law “On Agricultural Land Circulation” are criticized. It is not reasonable to authorize public authorities with such a right; it would be more appropriate to give right to tenants and adjacent land owners. In any case exercising the preemption right should premeditate their prior introduction as subjects of the right for the full land payment. The rule establishing nullity of the contract entered in breach of a preemption right is a mistake.


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