Division of powers in the Russian Federa¬tion as the main constitutional principle in functioning of the legal democratic state

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. law (#3). 2013

Division of powers in the Russian Federa¬tion as the main constitutional principle in functioning of the legal democratic state

About the author:

Gennadiy N. Tchebotarev,
Dr. Jur. Sci., Professor, President of Tyumen State University, Honoured Lawyer of Russian Federation


The article touches upon some features of division of powers in the Russian Federation in the modern period. The author analyses levels and forms of division of the united power of the people through referendum and free elections; through activities of public authorities and through municipal government. Division of federal and regional powers in a federative state is considered as a special form of division of powers.
The article discusses legal problems of relations between the central government and regional governments in complex-structured regions. The necessity to strengthen all branches of the state power, to increase control powers of the Federal Assembly of Russia, to regulate the constitutional order of exercising President’s powers, organization and functioning of the state bodies, formed by the President of RF is observed.
The implementation of the constitutional principle of municipal independence is analyzed.


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