Realization of the right to resort to court for protection in the context of the article 390 of Labour code of Russian Federation

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. law (#3). 2012

Realization of the right to resort to court for protection in the context of the article 390 of Labour code of Russian Federation

About the authors:

Nadezda V. Sukhova, Cand. Sci. (Jur.), Associate Professor, Department of Civil Law and Process, University of Tyumen; SPIN: 7968-0050; Scopus AuthorID: 522547; WoS ResearcherID: I- AAH-1441-2020;

Larisa V. Zaytseva, Dr. Sci. (Jur.), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Civil Law Disciplines, University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia;,


The article is devoted to issues of the solution of collisions in legal regulation of realization of the right to resort to court, which is regulated by the legislation of civil justice and norm of the article 390 of Labour code of Russian Federation.
