Effectiveness of the assessment program of energy saving activities at oil and gas production enterprise

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. Economy (#11). 2014

Effectiveness of the assessment program of energy saving activities at oil and gas production enterprise

About the authors:

Alesya S. Kholodionova, Postgraduate Student, Department of the World Economy and the International Business, Tyumen State University; alecu89@mail.ru

Lyudmila M. Simonova, Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Professor, Department of Management and Business, University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia; l.m.simonova@utmn.ru


The economy of fuel and energy resources becomes one of the most important shifts of economics toward intensive development and rational environmental management. The article emphasizes rational use of energy resources — a defining condition of cost reduction at an industrial enterprises and increases of economic efficiency of production as a whole. The problem of energy conservation is very important at any oil and gas production enterprise. The authors of the article analysed and studied the developed programs of energy conservation and power efficiency increase at oil and gas production enterprises, and carried out the comparative and economic analysis. The most effective program of energy conservation was found out on the basis of the conducted research. Thus, the authors developed a "new" program of energy conservation and power efficiency increase at the oil and gas production enterprises where a more rational using of energy resources of the enterprise is presented. As regular and successful energy conservation measures are a condition of an effective work of any enterprise, the developed program can be recommended for introduction at an oil and gas production enterprise.


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