Modernization slowdown in Tyumen region

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. Economy (#11). 2014

Modernization slowdown in Tyumen region

About the author:

Gulnara F. Romashkina, Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Professor, Department of Economic Security, System Analysis and Control, University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia,,, Scopus Author ID: 16437113600, WoS ResearcherID: O-7221-2017


The modernization processes in Tyumen region are under examination. The modernization processes in the region lag behind the national average rate but are still ahead of the social component along with the general Russian tendency. The basic contradiction of the current moment is that the regions of Russia that are the most successful in developing socio-economic and socio-cultural spheres, are not as successful in the field of modernization changes. Specific empirical data show the trend for slowdown modernization, the characteristic factors and effects. Close examination of the research results of the Socio-Cultural Portraits on the Russian Regions program has been given. A method by the Chinese scientist He Huanci is used to measure modernization in the regions. It is stressed that if the regional development continues to depend on energy sources and raw materials, it will only increase the gap between the region and well-developed countries, and will stop the transition to an innovative type of development.


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