Vesntik TSU. Economy (#11). 2014About the author:
Natalia N. Milchakova,Abstract:
1. Ingebrigtsen, S., Jakobsen, O. Moral development of the economic actor. Ecological Economics. Volume 68. Issue 11. 15 September 2009. Pp. 2777-2784.
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5. Mill, J.S. Utilitarianism. Cosimo, Inc., 2008. 68 p.
6. Milchakova, N.N., Yarkova, E.N. Metody sotsial'no-ekonomicheskikh issledovanii: uchebnoe posobie [Methods of social and economic researches]. Tyumen, 2014. 380 p. (in Russian).
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8. Stolyarov, A.M. Problems of modern economy. From history of social and economic thought of a national economy. Formation of the concept of the economic person: from
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