Development of export strategy model of a firm in oil and gas industry

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. Economy (#11). 2014

Development of export strategy model of a firm in oil and gas industry

About the authors:

Lyudmila A. Krasnova,
 Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Methods, Information Technology and Management Systems in Economy, Tyumen State University

Gulnara A. Niyazova,
Student, Tyumen State University


Nowadays the development of export strategy model of a firm in oil and gas industry is of particular interest because of foreign economic and political changes in the world, including the political crisis in Ukraine, refusal of many European countries from Russian natural gas exports, as well as the introduction of economic sanctions by the European countries. There are various models of a company market strategy in the research works of Russian and foreign economists, but there is no model of export-oriented strategy for the oil and gas industry companies. The authors develop a possible version of this model with due regard to the features of this industry.


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