Benchmarking: a conceptual analysis

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. Economy (#11). 2013

Benchmarking: a conceptual analysis

About the authors:

Larisa V. Lapitskaya,
Cand. Econ. Sci., Associate Professor, Management Department, Ulyanovsk State University

Svetlana D. Lukonina ,
graduate student, Management Department, Ulyanovsk State University


In modern conditions of fierce competition in the market for effective development of all forms of ownership there has been greater use of benchmarking technology. Competitive intelligence, as its basis, originated from ancient times. As a systemic theoretical phenomenon the concept of benchmarking came into being in the late 1950s. Japan. Just the term “benchmarking” and its methodological specification became known in 1972. Despite the active dissemination and application, interpretation of the term remains ambiguous. The authors identified the approaches used in the formulation of the concept by foreign and domestic researchers, systematized them: in the first stage-on the most important methodological part in the formulation, in the second stage — from the perspective of different specification of the content of the activity or process, in the third stage — focused on the object of benchmarking activities itself, in the final stage — for the purposes of this process and benchmarking activities in general; performed a critical and comparative analysis of those, and offered their definition of the term.


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