Vesntik TSU. Economy (#11). 2013About the authors:
Sergey V. Lyubimov,Abstract:
1. Forecasts of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation and of certain sectors of the economy // Forecasts of socio-economic development. Moscow: Ministry for Economic Development of the Russian Federation, 2013. URL:
2. Energy Strategy in Russia until 2020 // Energy strategy in Russia. Moscow: Ministry for Industry Trade of the Russian Federation, 2013. URL: http://Svww. docs/strateg/1.
3. Krjukov, V.A. The concept of «Big Oil». Neft' Rossii — Russian Oil. 2010. № 9. Pp. 31-33. (in Russian).
4. Korzhubaev, A.G. Problems and prospects of oil refining in Russia. Mir nefteproduktov — The world of oil produce. 2011. № 8. Pp. 3-7. (in Russian).
5. Kolesnikov, A.I. What management accounting is. Jeffektivnost' proektnogo biznesa — Effectiveness of project business. URL:
6. Horngren, Ch. Upravlencheskij uchet [Management Accounting]. St.-Petersburg, 2010. 22 p. (in Russian).
7. Vrublevskij, N.K. Buhgalterskij upravlencheskij uchet [Accounting Management records]. Moscow, 2010. 154 p. (in Russian).
8. Titova, N.L. Kurs lekcij po razrabotke upravlencheskih reshenij [Lectures on the development of management decisions]. Moscow, 2011. 92 p. (in Russian).
9. Filimonova, I.V. Russian oil and gas. Status and prospects. Neftegazovaja vertikal' — Oil and gas vertical. 2012. № 7. Pp. 16-24. (in Russian).
10. Braginskij, O.B. Issledovanie sostojanija i perspektiv napravlenij pererabotki nefti i gaza, nefte– i gazohimii i RF [Investigation of trends and prospects of oil, gas,
petro- and gas- chemicals in RF]. Moscow, 2011. 806 p. (in Russian).
11. Ljukshinov, A.N. Strategicheskij menedzhment [Strategic management]. Moscow, 2011. 375 p. (in Russian).
12. Zuev, G.M. Some directions of development of the classical methods of investment evaluation. Audit i finansovyj analiz — Audit and Financial Analysis. 2008. № 6. Pp. 294-303. (in Russian).
13. Kovalev, V.V. Korporativnye finansy i uchet: ponjatija, algoritmy, pokazateli [Corporate finance and accounting: concepts, algorithms, and indexes]. Moscow, 2010. 712 p. (in Russian).
14. Vissema, H. Strategicheskij menedzhment i predprinimatel'stvo [Strategic management and entrepreneurship]. Moscow, 2012. 272 p. (in Russian).
15. Aleksanov, D.S. Jekonomicheskaja ocenka investicij [Economic evaluation of investment]. Moscow, 2012. 382 p. (in Russian)