Problems of improving information provision in assessment activity

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. Economy (#11). 2013

Problems of improving information provision in assessment activity

About the authors:

Sergey V. Lyubimov,
Dr. Econ. Sci., Professor, Head of Economics and Property Evaluation Department, Institute for Economics, Management and Law (Surgut branch), Tyumen State University

Alexey V. Dolgych,
Cand. Econ. Sci., Associate Professor, Economics and Property Evaluation Department, Institute for Economics, Management and Law (Surgut branch), Tyumen State University


Development of the institution of property in the post-crisis period presupposes harmonization and adaptation of methodological approaches and practical aspects in the national evaluation activity to world standards. The major direction of reforms in the management of property and increasing their efficiency is the introduction of relative statistical methods in the practice of evaluation. This requires the establishment (on the basis of a systematic approach) of uniform and accurate information and legal framework on all real estate, designed to provide optimum conditions for an economically reasonable taxation. The problems of establishing the information base and a sequential algorithm of its creation are proposed in this article. Statistical Office of the variability in assessment processes based on the created information base accompanied by statistical records enables continuous monitoring and assessment of its adequacy and reliability. An example of calculating a capitalization rate for real estate located in Tyumen is provided in the article. This calculation reflects the market value assessment and can be used in the regional market for the objects belonging to different classes and segments of the real estate market.


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