Theoretical Aspects Of The Analysis Of The Nature Of Innovations In The Sphere Of Services

Tyumen State University Herald. Social, Economic, and Law Research


Vesntik TSU. Economy (#11). 2012

Theoretical Aspects Of The Analysis Of The Nature Of Innovations In The Sphere Of Services

About the author:

Oksana E. Tokarevа,


Now the analysis of problems of innovative development of branches of sphere of services is put forward in the category prime in structure of scientific researches. In article are considered the contents and features of innovative process in a services sector. As a result of studying of evolution of the theory of innovations three stages are allocated: formation of fundamental bases of the theory; development of base innovative ideas; development of innovations in formation of economy of knowledge. The main theoretical approaches which have developed within the modern theory of innovations are presented. Need of creation of conditions for introduction of innovations in the market of services that is a condition of social and economic stability of society is proved. Efficiency of innovations of a sphere of services is presented in two aspects: as internal and external efficiency. Internal efficiency of innovations is analyzed from the point of view of rational use of available resources. The main criterion of internal efficiency is the norm of return from investments in production of this service. External efficiency of innovations of services in system of public reproduction is considered in the directions: formation of the human capital; increase of a standard of living of the population; employment increase; rational placement of productive forces; increase of efficiency of public reproduction.
