Mikhail I. Kleandrov

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. Sci. (Jur.), Professor, Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Chief Researcher at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Scientific interests are related to the improvement of the mechanism of Russian justice, the problems of business law, economic justice, the status characteristics of a judge, the judiciary. Formulated and justified three-segment composition (judicial, judicial and determining the status of persons directly administering justice), covering each of the three branches of the judiciary and differentiated by the types of justice on various legal issues. Based on his scientific works recommendations were made to improve the efficiency of the Russian justice mechanism in terms of its segments and in systemic unity for the legislator and law enforcer (reform of the presidiums of arbitration courts of the first, appeals and cassation instances, reform of the supervisory instance in the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, reforming the qualification boards of judges, improving the organizational and legal mechanism for the selection of candidates for judges and vesting them (and lay judges) judges' powers and others. Author of 450 scientific publications. The h-index in the Russian Science Citation Index – 19.