Influence of the motor transport’s noise on bird communities in the middle taiga of Western Siberia

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2019, Vol. 5. №1

Influence of the motor transport’s noise on bird communities in the middle taiga of Western Siberia

For citation: Gashev S. N., Statsenko I. A. 2019. “Influence of the motor transport’s noise on bird communities in the middle taiga of Western Siberia”. Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology, vol. 5, no 1, pp. 56-73. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7927-2019-5-1-56-73

About the authors:

Sergey N. Gashev, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Professor, Head of the Department of Zoology and Evolutionary Ecology of Animals, University of Tyumen;

Irina A. Statsenko, Student, Institute of Biology, University of Tyumen;


This article studies the influence of the motor transport noise on bird communities of different biotopes in an average taiga of Western Siberia. The authors show that the noise level is higher on open sites, compared to a forest biocenosis. However, during winter, the intensity level evens in open space and forest. There is a direct link between the number and variety of the birds’ population and the density and complexity of vegetation’s level structure. Both in open spaces and forests, the greatest indices of birds’ species diversity are noted on the road with low intensity of movement. The indices of species richness, diversity, also as well as density increase farther from the road. The bird communities living in the sites next to the road with low movement have the greatest stability. The distance from the road has the greatest influence over the indices of species diversity of bird communities, while the combined impact of distance from the road and intensity of traffic — only on two indices: Pielu’s uniformity index and the system’s resistant stability.


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