History of Ornithological Studies in the Tyumen Region (1941-1991)

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2018, Vol. 4. №4

History of Ornithological Studies in the Tyumen Region (1941-1991)

For citation: Lupinos M. Yu., Gashev S. N., Blashkova K. A. 2018. “History of Ornithological Studies in the Tyumen Region (1941-1991)”. Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology, vol. 4, no 4, pp. 76-94. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7927-2018-4-4-76-94

About the authors:

Maria Yu. Lupinos, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of Zoology and Evolutionary Ecology of Animals, Institute of Biology, University of Tyumen; mariya_lupinos@mail.ru

Sergey N. Gashev, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Professor, Head of the Department of Zoology and Evolutionary Ecology of Animals, University of Tyumen; gsn-61@mail.ru

Kristina A. Blashkova, Master Student, Department of Zoology and Evolutionary Ecology of Animals, Institute of Biology, University of Tyumen; batt2013@yandex.ru


This article presents a historical review of ornithological research and the context of studying avifauna in the Tyumen Region during and after the war in the Soviet period (from 1941 to 1991). Here, the authors continue their work on the history of avifauna research in the Tyumen Region from 1720 to 1941 (published in 2011 and 2013).

Having studied more than 140 published references, the authors analyze the further chronology and staging in the history of studying the birds of the Tyumen Region, including the Khanty-Mansi and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Areas.

Prevailing works study the fauna, in particular, the avifauna of various natural zones, areas, and territories, as well as distribution of separate bird species (32.5% of all works). A significant amount of works involve population ecology of birds (21.3%), as well as studying and protecting rare species (10%). Smaller part of the published works concern phenological aspects and biology of birds’ reproduction (8.7% each), as well as studying the birds’ population from various biocenoses and of different hunting-trade types (7.5% each). Fewer publications study the research techniques and quantitative accounting of birds (2.5%). The messages on the impact of anthropogenous factors on communities of birds (1.3%) are isolated.


  1. Abramov V. I. 1959. “Nablyudeniya nad vodoplavayushchimi ptitsami nizov’ev Obi” [Observations on Waterfowl of the Lower Reaches of the Ob]. Ornitologiya, vol. 2, pp. 109-111.
  2. Azarov V. I., Ivanov G. K. 1981. Redkie zhivotnye Tyumenskoy oblasti [Rare Animals of the Tyumen Region]. Sverdlovsk: Sredne-Uralskoye knizhnoye izdatelstvo. 
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  12. Braude M. I. 1977. “O biologii i chislennosti lebedya-klikuna v nizov’e Obi” [On Biology and the Number of Whooper Swan in the Lower Ob]. In: Fauna i biologiya guseobraznykh [Fauna and Biology of Anseriformes], pp. 41-43. Moscow: Nauka. 
  13. Braude M. I. 1979. “O rasprostranenii skopy na severe Tyumenskoy oblasti” [On the Distribution of the Osprey in the North of the Tyumen Region]. Abstracts of the Conference “Migratsii i ekologiya ptits Sibiri”, pp. 66-67. Yakutsk.
  14. Braude M. I., Dubrovik A. D. 1974. “Sostoyanie chislennosti vodoplavayushchikh ptits taezhnoy zony Tyumenskoy oblasti” [The State of The Number of Waterfowl in the Taiga Zone of the Tyumen Region]. Proceedings of the 6th USSR Ornithological Conference. Vol. 2, pp. 246-248. Moscow: Moscow State University. 
  15. Vartapetov L. G. 1984. Ptitsy taezhnykh mezhdurechiy Zapadnoy Sibiri [Birds of the Taiga Interfluves of Western Siberia]. Novosibirsk: Nauka. 
  16. Vengerov M. P. 1973. “Migratsii kulikov v poyme Nizhney Obi” [Migrations of Waders in the Floodplain of the Lower Ob]. In: Fauna i ekologiya kulikov” [Fauna and Ecology of Waders], vol. 2, pp. 94-95. Moscow: Moscow State University. 
  17. Galushin V. M., Likhopek E. A., Logunova F. N., Rubinshteyn N. A. 1963. “Bol’shie pestrye dyatly v dobyche sapsanov na Yamale” [Great Spotted Woodpeckers in the Extraction of Peregrine Falcons on Yamal]. Uchenye zapiski Krasnoyarskogo pedagogicheskogo institute, vol. 4, no 5, pp. 76-84.
  18. Galushin V. M., Likhopek E. A., Logunova F. N., Rubinshteyn N. A. 1964. “Chaykovye yugo-vostochnogo Yamala” [Chaykovye of the South-Eastern Yamal]. In: Materialy po faune i ekologii zhivotnykh [Materials on the Fauna and Ecology of Animals], pp. 279-290. Moscow. 
  19. Gashev S. N., Elifanov A. V., Tolstikov A. V. 2005. “Zoologicheskiy muzey TyumGU kak stareyshiy tsentr izucheniya bioraznoobraziya v Tyumenskoy oblasti” [The Zoological Museum of Tyumen State University as the Oldest Center for the Study of Biodiversity in the Tyumen Region]. Tyumen State University Herald, no 3, pp. 177-189.
  20. Gibet L. A. 1972. “Pitanie pernatykh khishchnikov v lesostepi Zapadnoy Sibiri” [Feeding of Feathered Predators in the Forest-Steppe of Western Siberia]. Ornitologiya, vol. 10, pp. 194-208.
  21. Gibet L. A. 1959. “Khishchnye ptitsy lesostepi Zapadnoy Sibiri, stepi i polupustyni Severnogo Kazakhstana” [Birds of Prey of the Forest-Steppe of Western Siberia, Steppe and Semi-Deserts of Northern Kazakhstan]. Byulleten MOIP. Otdel biologiya, vol. 14, no 6, pp. 45-62.
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  59. Ravkin Yu. S. 1978. Ptitsy lesnoy zony Priob’ya [Birds of the Priobye Forest Zone]. Novosibirsk: Nauka.
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  67. Ryzhanovskiy V. N., Ryabitsev V. K., Malafeev Yu. M. 1974. “Effektivnost’ razmnozheniya vorob’inykh na Yuzhnom Yamale i faktory, ee opredelyayushchie” [Effectiveness of Passerine Breeding in Southern Yamal and the Factors Determining It]. Zoologicheskiy zhurnal, vol. 53, no 2, pp. 305-307.
  68. Ryabitsev V. K. 1975. “Faktory, opredelyayushchie plotnost’ gnezdovaniya i chislennost’ ptits na Yuzhnom Yamale” [Factors Determining the Density of Nesting and the Number of Birds in Southern Yamal]. Cand. Sci. (Biol.) diss. Sverdlovsk. 
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