Variability of Morphophysiological Features of Woody Plants in Tyumen in a Different Degree of Air Pollution

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2018, Vol. 4. №3

Variability of Morphophysiological Features of Woody Plants in Tyumen in a Different Degree of Air Pollution

For citation: Artemenko S. V., Narguzhina Zh. K., Agafonova D. A. 2018. “Variability of Morphophysiological Features of Woody Plants in Tyumen in a Different Degree of Air Pollution”. Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology, vol. 4, no 3, pp. 108-124. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7927-2018-4-3-108-124

About the authors:

Sergei V. Artemenko, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Assistant, Department of Ecology and Genetics, University of Tyumen;

Zhamila K. Narguzhina, Laboratory Assistant, Department of Ecology and Genetics, University of Tyumen;

Daria A. Agafonova, Master Student, Institute of Biology, University of Tyumen;


One of the most complex forms of urban impact on the environment is air pollution, the main source of which in Tyumen is motor transport. The authors have established the predominance of light vehicles in all the 20 areas of study. They have calculated the concentration of carbon monoxide as a marker of the degree of atmospheric pollution; they have also detected a MPC excess of carbon monoxide in most of the studied points. In some cases, the authors observed excess of standards in 20 times.

The authors have used the ratios of leaves’ width to length, as well as the concentration of photosynthetic pigments and ash. Relative resistance to air pollution has been noted and Malus baccata has been recommended for planting on the streets with a higher degree of atmospheric pollution. The authors have noted a high variability of morphological and physiological characteristics of Syrínga vulgáris. Sálix fragílis is under stress of environmental pollution, which is reflected in its physiological parameters, while morphologically it is stable. Correlation dependences of the deviations of the parameters of woody plants on the concentration of carbon monoxide, as well as the number of vehicles, have been revealed. An increase in the length of the leaf is observed with a decrease in width (the leaves are stretched) and with an increase in the amount of pollutants in the atmosphere. In areas with a greater degree of pollution, the concentration of ash and photosynthetic pigments increase.

The authors suggest microclimate and other factors shape the conditions for the woody plants. The streets with the most unfavorable environment for plants and for finding people are designated: the crossroads of the streets 50 October — Melnikayte, as well as Lenina st. The lowest pollution is typical for suburban areas.


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