Estimating the Biodiversity Stability in the North of Western Siberia through Stationary Wood-Ring Time Series of Edificators Species

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2018, Vol. 4. №2

Estimating the Biodiversity Stability in the North of Western Siberia through Stationary Wood-Ring Time Series of Edificators Species

For citation: Tsibulsky V. R. 2018. “Estimating the Biodiversity Stability in the North of Western Siberia through Stationary Wood-Ring Time Series of Edificators Species”. Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology, vol. 4, no 2, pp. 44-57. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7927-2018-4-2-44-57

About the author:

Vladimir R. Tsibulsky, Dr. Sci. (Tech.), Professor, Chief Researcher, Institute of Problems of Development of the North, Tyumen Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences;


This article studies a variant of biodiversity sustainability estimation, determined by trees which perform the functions of ecosystem engineers in the north of the West Siberian Plain (northern taiga — forest-tundra). They mainly include Siberian larch, pine, and cedar. The biodiversity is estimated by the index of relative diversity proposed by G. S. Rosenberg and equated to the stationarity of the dynamic series of tree rings. The entire territory is divided into ten squares near the villages of Labytnangi, Sumburgh, Krasnoselkup, Kazym, Vinghapur, Kharampur, Tolka, as well as the cities of Nadym, Novy Urengoy, and the lake Numto. In each place, the author has studied over three averaged individuals of tree-ring time series of ecosystem engineers for stationarity. They provide the exact coordinates of the core and the values of the duration of the rows, as well as a description of plant communities for selected species.

In general, over the past 200-300 years, according to this criterion, the diversity of the biota under consideration can be estimated as stable except for individual cases (Vyngapur, Kharampur, and Tolka settlements), the explanation for which is provided in the article. Stationarity of tree-ring series is preserved for intervals of time of intensive development of oil and gas reserves since 1960. The figures show initial time series, growth curves, residual series for which spectral characteristics are obtained. All the series identify the determining frequencies within the periods of 80-100, 18-22, 8-12, and 4-7 years.

In conclusion, the author recommends a sequence of operations in assessing biodiversity through the stationarity of time series of edifiers: selection of suitable trees by age, synchronization and averaging of series, approximation of the growth curve (increment), stationarity by the criterion of series.


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