Subglacial Aeration of the Trans-Ural Lakes

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2017, Vol. 3. №4

Subglacial Aeration of the Trans-Ural Lakes

For citation: Karipov R. S. 2017. “Subglacial Aeration of the Trans-Ural Lakes”. Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology, vol. 3, no 4, pp. 24-37. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7927-2017-3-4-24-37

About the author:

Ramzil S. Karipov, Chief Technologist, South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk);


This article describes an innovative method of subglacial aeration of wintering pits of Trans-Ural fish reservoirs in the Trans-Urals Region, which ensures prompt and effective catching of commercial fish in conditions of freeze-up and conservation of young in wintering pits until ice disappears. The distribution of internal reservoirs of Russia through auction and competitive procedures in private hands in accordance with the Federal Law “On Fisheries and the Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources” has stepped up the activity of fisheries management organizations in the direction of more efficient use of natural resources with the investment of significant financial resources for measures to improve the conditions for the development of the fish fauna, preservation of bioresources in order to increase the productive return of water bodies, profitability and payback investments for profit. A powerful naturally renewable fodder base of relatively shallow and non-continuous heated lakes of the Trans-Urals provides a rapid growth of the polyculture, which, under favorable conditions, makes it possible to extract profits this year.

However, the high level of fish death of most of the lakes of the Trans-Ural Region, which is permanent or periodic, introduces its own corrections into the fishery business. Measures to reduce fish deaths can be conditionally divided into summer-autumn (before ice-freezing) and winter-spring (during the freeze-up period). Summer-autumn biotechnical measures are well described in the literature: specialized journals, conference materials, and patents. These measures include the loosening of sapropel silt, the deepening of reservoirs, the introduction of chemicals to adjust the chemical composition of water, the aeration of standing water, the creation of satellite reservoirs with wintering pits and flow channels, among others. Measures to preserve the polyculture, in particular the more vulnerable juvenile fish in winter, during the formation of the ice dome on lakes in the conditions of oxygen deficiency and the emission of harmful gas compounds are described to an insufficient degree, and often not objectively, without taking into account physical laws and phenomena. This article describes a new effective way to reduce the lakes’ winters with the help of sub-ice aeration of wintering pits.


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