Preservation of Valuable, Rare and Endangered Species of Animals. 2. Cryoconservation of the Vertebrates

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2017, Vol. 3. №3

Preservation of Valuable, Rare and Endangered Species of Animals. 2. Cryoconservation of the Vertebrates

For citation: Kibalova M. V., Selyukova S. A., Selyukov A. G. 2017. “Preservation of Valuable, Rare and Endangered Species of Animals. 2. Cryoconservation of the Vertebrates”. Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology, vol. 3, no 3, pp. 141-157. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7927-2017-3-3-141-157

About the authors:

Mariya V. Kibalova, Master Student, Department of Zoology and Evolutionary Ecology of Animals, University of Tyumen;

Svetlana A. Selyukova, Senior Lecturer, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University (Tyumen);

Alexander G. Selyukov, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Professor, Department of Zoology and Evolution Ecology of Animals, University of Tyumen;


This article presents methods used by Russian and foreign researchers in cryopreservation of individual vertebrate taxa; the authors describe in detail the means of cryopreservation of reproductive cells and embryos of fish, which they believe to be the most available, convenient for research and usage in economically significant objects. The composition, the timing of exposure of cryoprotectants and cryosomes to preserve the fertility of sperm of sturgeon, salmon, whitefish, carp and percid fishes in the process of cryopreservation, storage and defrostation are described. On the other hand, cryopreservation of fish eggs, as well as vertebrates of other taxa, is difficult due to low permeability of membranes for cryoprotectors, large water content, fatty inclusions and yolk. For successful cryopreservation of sperm of tailless amphibians, penetrating (dimethyl sulfoxide) and non-penetrating (sucrose) cryoprotectants are used.

Unlike fish and amphibians, the methods of cryopreservation of gamete reptiles, among which there are many Red Data Book species, are poorly developed. Reproductive cells of males of birds of different species, mostly Galliformes, after cryopreservation for many years kept high fertility. Methods for cryopreserving sperm, ova and early embryos of mammals are well developed. In comparison with the other classes of vertebrates, in mammals the survival of embryos after defrostation is much higher.


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