The Birds of Neighborhood “Belaya Gora” Base in the Nature State Reserve “Malaya Sosva”

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2017, Vol. 3. №3

The Birds of Neighborhood “Belaya Gora” Base in the Nature State Reserve “Malaya Sosva”

For citation: Pokazanyeva P. E., Lupinos M. Yu. 2017. “The Birds of Neighborhood ‘Belaya Gora’ Base in the Nature State Reserve ‘Malaya Sosva’”. Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology, vol. 3, no 3, pp. 96-113. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7927-2017-3-3-96-113

About the authors:

Polina E. Pokazanyeva, Undergraduate Student, Department of Zoology and Evolutionary Ecology of Animals, Institute of Biology, University of Tyumen;

Maria Yu. Lupinos, Cand. Sci. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Department of Zoology and Evolutionary Ecology of Animals, Institute of Biology, University of Tyumen;


Here are the results of a study of birds around the cordon “Belaya Gora” [White Mountain] of the State Nature Reserve “Little Sosva”. This information serves as the beginning of a long-term ornithological monitoring in the reserve. There are differences in the qualitative composition of the bird communities. On the territory of the reserve, in the cordon, there are significantly different biotopes in composition. 46 species of birds from 9 groups were registered. The dominant order is Passeriformes (65%). The least represented were 3 orders: Charadriiformes, Columbiformes and Apodiformes (2%). The total density is 4,888 ind/km². Most birds that nest in the reserve belong to the European fauna type, dendrophilous ecological group and trophic group — entomophages.


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