Geochemical Monitoring of the Yuzhny Pond in Tyumen

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2017, Vol. 3. №3

Geochemical Monitoring of the Yuzhny Pond in Tyumen

For citation: Larina N. S., Ustimenko A. A., Guselnikov V. L., Pinigina E. P. 2017. “Geochemical Monitoring of the Yuzhny Pond in Tyumen”. Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology, vol. 3, no 3, pp. 8-22. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7927-2017-3-3-8-22

About the authors:

Natalia S. Larina, Cand. Sci. (Chem.), Professor, Department of Organic and Ecological Chemistry, University of Tyumen;

Alexander A. Ustimenko, Master Student, Department of Organic and Ecological Chemistry, University of Tyumen;

Vasily L. Guselnikov, Chief Expert, Department of Environmental Monitoring, EcoStroyPererabotka;

Elena P. Pinigina, Senior Lecturer, Department of Geoecology, University of Tyumen;


Monitoring the ecological state of ponds located in residential areas and in an integral part of the urbanized landscape is of great interest in modern conditions. This article presents data of morphometric and hydrochemical monitoring of the artificial pond Yuzhny, located in a residential area in the south of the administrative center of Tyumen. Morphological studies allow to establish the characteristics and the features of the distribution of depths in the pond, which is actively used by residents despite the administration’s prohibitions. The pond is dangerous for swimming due to its uneven depth and the presence of deep places (up to 6.5 m). Monthly sampling of water from June 2016 to May 2017 allowed to evaluate the hydrochemical composition of the water of the reservoir and the features of its seasonal changes. For the most past of the year, the water of the pond can be attributed to the hydrocarbanate-chloride sodium-magnesium, with an increase in the proportion of sodium ions and chloride ions in summer, which meets all regulatory requirements for the chemical composition of the waters used for recreational purposes. In March-April 2017 there were abrupt fish die-off phenomena caused by the early deep freezing of the pond. The process was aggravated by the release of fecal waters from an unknown source into the pond in April 2017. This caused excess for the norms of a significant number of parameters: odor, pH, total mineralization decrease with increasing content of hydrocarbonate ions. The situation was normalized after the melting of ice and due to self-cleaning processes. By the beginning of May, the excess was observed only in the content of organic matter.


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