2017, Vol. 3. №2About the authors:
Stanislav P. Arefyev, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Head of Sector of Biodiversity Dynamics and Natural Complexes, Institute of the Problems of Northern Development, Tyumen Scientific Centre of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Leading Researcher, the International Institute of Cryology and Cryosophy, University of Tyumen; sp_arefyev@mail.ruAbstract:
This article considers features of temporary ranks of width of rings of the spread and upright shrubs of the Yamal tundra on the example of Betula nana, Salix lanata and Duschekia fruticose. As shrubs are edifikators of many tundra communities, their temporary ranks are considered as a kreod — the main trajectory of dynamics of community which is most characterizing dynamics of its parameters including a biodiversity. In particular, stability of temporary ranks of shrubs allow to judge the stability of biodiversity parameters of the communities determined by them. To assess the stability and recurrence of temporary ranks of shrubs gain in the studied territory, they are approximated, and spectral characteristics of residual ranks are received by the MUSIC method (Multiple Signal Classification) in EV option (its own vector). The assessment of stability of ranks by criterion of normal distribution of values of a row is carried out. The comparative analysis of dynamic properties of a temporary number of a gain is carried on one radius of a bush cut out and when averaging a gain from asymmetric radiuses of one cut.