Environmental Assessment of the Tobolsk Industrial Zone Territory

Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology


2017, Vol. 3. №2

Environmental Assessment of the Tobolsk Industrial Zone Territory

For citation: Fakashchuk N. Yu., Soromotin A. V. 2017. “Enviromental Assessment of the Tobolsk Industrial Zone Territory”. Tyumen State University Herald. Natural Resource Use and Ecology, vol. 3, no 2, pp. 22-33. DOI: 10.21684/2411-7927-2017-3-2-22-33

About the authors:

Nikita Yu. Fakashchuk, Master Student, Department of Socio-Economical Geography and Environmental Management, Tyumen State University; fakashuk@yandex.ru

Andrei V. Soromotin, Dr. Sci. (Biol.), Director of the Research Institute of Ecology and Resource Natural Management, University of Tyumen; a.v.soromotin@utmn.ru


The article discusses the actually problem of environmental pollution by industry plants. Tobolsk city is the industry center of petrol chemestry in Russia. The influence on nature by local plants was investigated earlier, but the received data were not sufficiently full. In this work the authors hope to receive more information. Snow and soil covers were researched in industrial park vicinity with geochemestry approach. Concentrations of oil products, suspended particles, sulfate ions and pH (potential of hydrogen) were defined in chemical laboratory.

The results showed soil mainly polluted by oil products. Other parameters mainly do not exceed natural levels. Excesses more than MACs levels are not registered in soil. Single excesses of oil products and suspended particles are registered in comparison to the ambient level.

The authors express their doubts with direct correlation between polluted area and leading directions of emissions. The authors come to the conclusion that industrial zone environment does not come under influence from petrol chemstry plants. The article analyzed real condition of natural components in this area. The authors would like to continue this research with investigating pollution of atmospheric air and natural waters in the future.


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